There is a way to help you save money though and it needn't cost the earth! How many miles do you do each week just on short journeys, visiting friends or family, going to the mall or the shopping center, doing little errands here and there, what does this all add up to when you fill up the tank at the gas pump? Are you throwing money down the drain? Have a think about this and then ask yourself - why not?
Have you ever considered how much more economical all those little journeys would be if instead of using your car, you were to get around instead on a gas powered moped or scooter? Before you laugh the idea off, think about it. What would you rather get in terms of miles per gallon - 15mpg, 20 mpg or 100mpg? That's right, do the sums, add it up and work out just how much you really could be saving.
Moped and scooters have really come along in recent years. Not only are they very stylish these days, but too they can zip around in heavy traffic saving you lots of time too, and this time saved, could be earning for you even more money, I mean, just what is the pleasure in the baking hot summer months sitting in your car with the air conditioning on full, twiddling your thumbs just wishing that you could make some headway? With a gas powered moped or scooter traffic jams become a thing of the past as you zip effortlessly between the jams and I'll tell you what, you will be totally astonished at just how much time you can save, time given to you to get on with other much more important tasks, not to mention over the summer, the monetary savings that you'll be able to make.
Again, think of the latest hike in oil prices. Who is going to pay for that? Why, it's you and me of course, every time we fill up the tank of our automobiles, every month that goes by, it'll be costing just that little bit more and more every time. It doesn't have to be this way. You could, right now, today make the decision that yes, 100mpg is really a much more worthwhile proposition. You know what, this guy whose writing this, he's making sense, he's right, I really could save a great packet of money if I take on board his advice. I can see that now, a moped or a scooter is definitely worth looking at. In fact I'd be mad not to consider looking around a lot more seriously. You'll thank me for writing this to you believe you me.
Do you honestly want to tell me that you do not mind losing money? What kind of reasoning is that? Are you out of your mind? Save money today!! Buy a gas powered moped or scooter and see just how much money You Could Save!! You'd be silly not to.
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